Annual Notifications

Personnel Office


2024/2025 School Year

Policy, state and federal statutes require that we review certain laws and procedures as a condition of employment on an annual basis. You are required to read the documents listed below, which summarize these policies and laws and delineate some specific responsibilities you have as an employee of Calaveras Unified School District.

Please note: all of the documents referenced below are located on our website at under the Human Resources/Annual Notifications tab. The complete context of board policies, are located, under School Board Information.

Animals at School: BP 6163.2 Revision/Adoption: January 19, 2021
AR 6163.2 Revision/Adoption: January 19, 2021

Appointment & Conditions of Employment: BP 4212 Policy adopted: April 21, 1992
AR 4212 Adoption: September 13, 2016

Child Abuse Reporting Procedures: BP 5141.4 Adoption: May 24, 2022 

Civil & Legal Rights: BP 4119.1 Second Reading/Adoption: November 16, 2004 

Civility Policy: BP 1313(a) Adoption: May 24, 2022

Classified Personnel: BP 4200  Adoption:  April 10, 2018 
AR 4200 Adoption: March 5, 2019 

Confidentiality Statement:  BP 4119.23 Second Reading/Adoption: May 4, 2004 

Dress & Grooming: BP 4119.22 Approved: December 10, 2019 
AR 4119.22 March 14, 2006 

Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace: BP 4020 Adoption: August 7, 2012

Employee Assistance Programs: BP 4159 Second Reading/Adoption: November 4, 2003 

Employee Pre-Designated Treating Physician Notification Updated September 2, 2022

Employee Security: BP 4158 Adoption: May 24, 2022 

Employee with Infectious Disease: BP 4119.41 Second Reading/Adoption: December 11, 2012  

Employee Use of Technology: BP 4040 Adoption:  June 26, 2018  

Environmental Safety - Business & Non-Instructional Operations: BP 3514(a) Adoption: August 21, 2018 

Hazardous Substances: BP 3514.1 Adoption: August 21, 2018

Legal Status: AR 4111.2 Second Reading/Adoption: August 18, 2009

Non-Discrimination in Employment: BP 4030 Adopted: April 18, 2023  
AR 4030 Adopted: September 1, 2020

Personnel Files: AR 4112.6 Adoption: June 28, 2016

Probationary Permanent Status: BP 4116  Approved: December 10, 2019 
AR 4116 Approved: December 10, 2019

Professional Standards/Code of Ethics:  BP 4119.2 Adoption: April 10, 2018 
4119.2E January 14,  2003

Sexual Harassment:  BP 4119 Adoption: December 8, 2020 
AR 4119 Adoption: December 8, 2020

Sexual Harassment Title IX AR 4119.12   Adoption: December 8, 2020

Standard Response Protocol Revised: July 14, 2020

Temporary/Substitute Personnel:  BP 4121  Adoption: May 10, 2016
AR 4121 Second Reading/Adoption: December 11, 2012  

Tobacco-Free Schools:  BP 3513.3 Adoption: November 15, 2016
AR 3513.3 Adoption: November 15, 2016

Uniform Complaint Procedures:  BP1312.3 Adopted: January 18, 2024   
AR1312.3 Adopted: January 18, 2024   

Universal Precautions Administrative Regulation:  BP 4119.43 Adoption: June 30, 2020 

Worker's Compensation Flyer February 5, 2021