Elementary Sites Move To 4-Day Student Cohorts

Elementary Sites Move To 4-Day Cohorts
Posted on 03/31/2021
March 31, 2021

CUSD Families,

As discussed at the most recent board meeting on March 16th, and also referenced in the districtwide communication sent to you on March 17th, we are moving forward with expanding the amount of in-person learning opportunities at our elementary sites. With the change in physical distancing guidelines, as issued by federal, state and local public health officials, that now call for 3 feet between students, (though still 6 feet between adults and students and adult to adult), we are in a position to expand our two 2-day student cohorts to one 4-day student cohort, at our elementary sites only.

We will have a start date of April 19th for this change in direction. As stated and explained in prior communications, we will still be on the same minimum day schedules and the same day/week scheduling (cohorts attending Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday and Wednesday a Distance Learning day for all). Students currently in the two-day cohorts must attend all four days in-person in this model (or transition to 100% Distance Learning). Students who are currently 100% Distance Learning, or enrolled at SHEC, who wish to transfer to the four-day in-person cohort can be placed on a waiting list and only placed in the in-person cohort based upon site capacity, at the discretion of site administration/staff. We understand this may not be well-received by some, but this is the only way we can be compliant with adhering to the physical distancing guidelines. Administration and staff at the elementary sites will be providing more specific communication on directions and details soon.

As also communicated before, the challenges and constraints at TMS and CHS (with staffing, bell/master schedules, student schedules, class sizes, overall classroom capacity) are more significant and have us in a different position than we are at the elementary sites in terms of expanding in-person learning opportunities.

We continue to plan and prepare for the ideal scenario of having 100% of our students back on site with 100% In-Person Learning at all sites to start the 2021/22 school year. We will also be prepared for other possible scenarios, driven by any externally imposed health/safety guidelines (face coverings, distancing, etc.).

Thank you, as always, for your patience and partnership with us as we continue to navigate the significant challenges we have faced, and continue to face, with the impacts of the pandemic. This has not been easy on you, nor on all involved and impacted, but we continue to work through the issues and challenges to do the best we can to serve and support our students, staff and families.

Mark Campbell
Calaveras Unified School District